.Net Framework 3.5 SP1 日本語パッケージ

.Net Framework 3.5SP1 For Win2000を作ってみた【BM】

以前作った、 .Net Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 Windows 2000版パッケージがβ版のまま忘れていたので、正式版公開。


・オリジナルと同様に.Net 3.0SP1の言語パッケージも同梱する仕様に変更。


Download: .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Language Pack - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details



  1. Agorima より:

    Here I am again.
    I’m sorry if I’m bothering you.
    But how can I use the hyper-threading technology of the Intel Atom N450?
    I want to use the “ACPI Multiprocessor” to use the two cores of the Atom, like in Windows XP, ut the setup of Windows 2000 freezes after loading the basic drivers, before the “Windows 2000 setup” screen, and I can not continue.

  2. 黒翼猫 より:

    >But how can I use the hyper-threading technology of the Intel Atom N450?
    I don’t know cause of you didn’t your install step.
    But I think atom N450 Graphic driver doesn’t work on Windows 2000.

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