AppleScriptで choose from の値のインデックスを取得する

applescript - getting an index of a selected item in a list apple script - Stack Overflow

set cities to {"New York", "Portland", "Los Angelles", "San Francisco", "Sacramento", "Honolulu", "Jefferson City", "Olimpia"}
set chooser to choose from list cities

set item_index to -1

if chooser is not false then
  set chooser to contents of item 1 of chooser

  repeat with a from 1 to length of cities

    if item a of cities is equal to chooser then

      set item_index to a
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
end if
display dialog item_index

どうも、to choose from listから拾ってきた返り値は文字列じゃないらしく、単純比較すると全てfalseになってしまうのだった



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