KDW 0.91 リリース

windows2000 実験室 @wiki - KDW

KDW v0.91 リリースしました。

Kernel32.dll  v5.1.2599.60 -> 5.1.2599.61

これによって、iTunes などで Apple Application Support フォルダにアクセスするためにパスを通したりする必要がなくなります。

また、同梱のツール rplbfile.exe の拡張と修正を行いました。

2.置換文字列にWideChar 対応。

昨日リリースした、iTunes 10.1インストーラーに同梱されているのが、この修正済みのバージョンとなっております。




  1. Andreas Heider より:

    Hi BlackWingCat,
    I like your KDW tools pretty much! Thank you for writing them!
    I am actually writing here to you, because of another great piece of software, that seems to only be available for WinXP and upwards: A port of the famous open source firewall for Freebsd to Win32 including traffic shaping. It is called ipfw+dummynet. The download site is: http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/dummynet
    They claim it should work on Win2k but the service ipfw.sys has missing exports! Please help me and other Win2k-loving users!
    I would have written this at win2kgaming.site90.com but I was unable to register or an account (maybe you could tell the moderators that one cannot register anymore).
    Thank in advance for your time,
    yours sincerely, Andreas Heider

  2. Andreas Heider より:

    Hi BlackWingCat,
    I like your KDW tools pretty much! Thank you for writing them!
    I am actually writing here to you, because of another great piece of software, that seems to only be available for WinXP and upwards: A port of the famous open source firewall for Freebsd to Win32 including traffic shaping. It is called ipfw+dummynet. The download site is: http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/dummynet
    They claim it should work on Win2k but the service ipfw.sys has missing exports! Please help me and other Win2k-loving users!
    I would have written this at win2kgaming.site90.com but I was unable to register or an account (maybe you could tell the moderators that one cannot register anymore).
    Thank in advance for your time,
    yours sincerely, Andreas Heider

  3. Andreas Heider より:

    Hi BlackWingCat,
    I like your KDW tools pretty much! Thank you for writing them!
    I am actually writing here to you, because of another great piece of software, that seems to only be available for WinXP and upwards: A port of the famous open source firewall for Freebsd to Win32 including traffic shaping. It is called ipfw+dummynet. The download site is: http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/dummynet
    They claim it should work on Win2k but the service ipfw.sys has missing exports! Please help me and other Win2k-loving users!
    I would have written this at win2kgaming.site90.com but I was unable to register or an account (maybe you could tell the moderators that one cannot register anymore).
    Thank in advance for your time,
    yours sincerely, Andreas Heider

  4. blackwingcat より:

    Hi,Andreas Heider.
    It can’t work on KDW , because it uses RtlRandomEx on ntoskrnl.exe.
    but it’s open source. I think it works with a little change for not use RtlRandomEx but RtlRandom. 🙂

  5. blackwingcat より:

    Hi,Andreas Heider.
    It can’t work on KDW , because it uses RtlRandomEx on ntoskrnl.exe.
    but it’s open source. I think it works with a little change for not use RtlRandomEx but RtlRandom. 🙂

  6. blackwingcat より:

    Hi,Andreas Heider.
    It can’t work on KDW , because it uses RtlRandomEx on ntoskrnl.exe.
    but it’s open source. I think it works with a little change for not use RtlRandomEx but RtlRandom. 🙂


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