SHELL32.755 PathIsEqualOrSubFolder について
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ReactOS にソースあったけど間違ってるみたいなので(・ω・)
//SHELL32.755 #define CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY 0x4000 __declspec(dllexport) BOOL WINAPI PathIsEqualOrSubFolder(LPCWSTR path1, LPCWSTR path2) { wchar_t path3[512]; int len,len2; if (!path2) return FALSE; if(((DWORD)path1&0xffff0000)==0){ SHGetFolderPathW(NULL,CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY| (DWORD)path1,NULL,NULL,path3); path1=path3; } len = lstrlenW(path1); len2 = lstrlenW(path2); if(len-len2==1 && path1[len-1]==L'\\'){ len--; } else if (len2-len==1 && path2[len-1]==L'\\'){ len2--; } if(len!=len2) return false; return (CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,NORM_IGNORECASE, path1,len,path2,len2)==CSTR_EQUAL); } |
単純にPathを比較するのではなく、第一パラメータが CSIDL の場合は、Pathに変換して比較しなくてはならない。
Hi, I’m prepared update of SHELL, based on WinXP v2211 and maybe later

Whistler builds:
Download and replace files: shell32, explorer webvw & we must use shlwapi from XP WHISTLER early versions NOT
Please update this shell with your functions: SHGetFolderPathAndSubDir Ex, ShelItem etc..
SHELL 2211
Shell from WinXP v2211(FULL compatible with 2000). It adds:
categorized control panel….
256 full color icons on tray
WIAACMGR we can copy from 2211.
If you want i ported from v2410 SHIMGVW Image Viewer and PRINT DIRECTORY foldery and it works perfect.
SHELL 2257
New Start Menu
much more…
functions: SHCreateShellItem, SHEnumerateUnreadMail…, SHOPenFolderAndSelectItems, SHSetLocalizedName, , …
Crash when run Control Panel, must use COMCTLv6 as comctl32 and USER32 with Paint/CalcMenuBar & Register/UnregisterUserApiHook
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