XAMPP ポータブル版はルートディレクトリ以外では動作しない

XAMPP が Windows 2000で動かんぞ、みたいなお便りをいただいたのでネタにします。
これは、Windows 2000の問題ではありません。

XAMPP - The Portable Freeware Collection

How to extract:
Download the "portable" 7z or Zip package
Extract (using a program like PeaExtractor) to a folder of your choice

Unless you extracted directly to the root drive (e.g. C:\), launch setup_xampp.bat to adjust paths

Launch xampp-control.exe to run the control panel or start the different servers with the corresponding
start/stop batch files.

XAMPP Portable は既定で、ルートディレクトリ X:\xampp\ でのみ実行できるようにチューニングされています。
なので、それ以外のフォルダから実行する場合は、 setup_xampp.bat を実行せよと書かれています・ω・



16:04:17 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.
16:04:17 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
16:04:17 [mysql] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
16:04:17 [mysql] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
16:04:17 [mysql] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
16:04:17 [mysql] If you need more help, copy and post this
16:04:17 [mysql] entire log window on the forums

16:04:14 [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
16:04:14 [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
16:04:14 [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
16:04:14 [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
16:04:14 [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
16:04:14 [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
16:04:14 [Apache] entire log window on the forums

説明書は読みましょうね (˘ω˘)



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