Firefox の自己ビルドでうまくいかなかった箇所

 0:14.95 checking for makecab... not found
 0:14.95 DEBUG: makecab: Trying makecab.exe
 0:14.95 ERROR: Cannot find makecab

makecab 自体にはPATHが通っている
が、system32 にはない
WinSxs による登録が mach には検出できないのが原因みたいなので WinSxS の 64bit 版 makecab.exe を system32 へコピーしたら解決

 0:21.81 checking for rustc... not found
 0:21.83 checking for cargo... not found
 0:21.83 ERROR: Rust compiler not found.
 0:21.83 To compile rust language sources, you must have 'rustc' in your path.
 0:21.83 See for more information.
 0:21.83 You can install rust by running './mach bootstrap'
 0:21.83 or by directly running the installer from

./mach bootstrap を実行する

You have some rust files in /c/Users/mofmof/.cargo/bin
but they're not part of this shell's PATH.

To add these to the PATH, edit your shell initialization
script, which may be called ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile or
~/.profile, and add the following line:

    export PATH=/c/Users/mofmof/.cargo/bin:$PATH

vi ~/.profile  などで、 「export PATH=/c/Users/ユーザー名/.cargo/bin:$PATH」 を追加する



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