魔改造版Win2000向け Intel 200チップセット(KabyLake)対応ドライバ公開

さらに需要あるか分かりませんが、謎の Intel 200 チップセット(第7世代Intel Core)ドライバ作りました

Intel Rapid Storage Manager 8.9 と AMD RAID 12.8の 2000版

Microsoft Windows Legacy Update

SkylarkやKabyLake のUSB にはUSB2.0互換機能が端折られてるので、PCI Express で別途用意しないと使い物にならないので注意が必要です。


【悲報】去年インテルがリリースしていたWin NT6向けチップセットドライバに大量のバグがあったことが判明
前回リリースした、Intel 100 Series 向けのドライバ実は、インテルがバグ付でリリースしたため、入れても半分くらい導入失敗するというとんでもない状態でしたが、それも直っています



  1. Gian Luca Russo より:

    Hi BWC you could create a Driver for the TP-Link USB Wireless Adapter TL-WN722N that works in Windows 2000 SP4 x86.

  2. 黒翼猫 より:

    Thx report :3
    I think 802.11.n, 802.11.g driver is ok on Win2000

  3. Gian Luca Russo より:

    If that’s the kind of wireless I have, the driver does not work in Windows 2000, it tells me that the INF file is not valid, here I downloaded the drivers: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gG92w3LuU55KGePmh505zxHV_M_pu_Dr
    They are the WinXP x86 drivers, windows 2000 is not compatible with this antenna. It is said that WinXP drivers work in Win2000.
    As I said before, it tells me that the INF file of the driver is not valid, you could patch this driver to work in Windows 2000, thank you very much.

  4. 黒翼猫 より:

    Replacing Inf section is a definite stone Patching for Windows 2000 :3

  5. Gian Luca Russo より:

    Hey, but you could tell me that I have to edit the INF, delete and/or add lines to the INF.
    Or if you have a driver for the TL-WN722N that works in Windows 2000 you pass me the link to download it 🙂

  6. 黒翼猫 より:

    Umm ?
    Does your saying mean you could work TL-WN722N with my old article how to edit INF for Windows 2000 ?

  7. Gian Luca Russo より:

    If I’m going to try your old article, but on the date you posted or in the article link, because I can not find it and it’s all in Japanese 🙁

  8. 黒翼猫 より:

    It seems to have problems with our communication.
    Is your mother tongue English ?
    If it is not so, I think you had better write in your mother tongue language. :3


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