Qupzilla 1.8.7 が間もなくリリース

    save pinned tabs per-window when set to restore session
    Shift+Left click on links now opens link in new window
    show web inspector action now toggles inspector
    add button to create new userscript in GreaseMonkey
    add "Anti-Adblock Killer" AdBlock subscription
    add Ctrl+G and Ctrl+Shift+G shortcuts in search toolbar
    fix enabling select all and find actions in menu
    fix searching for strings with special whitespaces from locationbar
    fix build with KF5 KWallet
    fix crash when blocking popup window with AdBlock
    fix icon animation when blocking popup window with AdBlock
    fix build with Qt 5.5 and gcc 4.9
    fix incorrectly accepting some cookies
    fix creating new config directory
    fix saving settings without changing pages in SpeedDial
    fix center dials option in SpeedDial
    fix not escaping characters for (file, ftp) dir listings
    fix not showing restore page when opening new url from cli
    fix adding search engine from form on page with Qt 5
    fix saving homepage/new tab urls from preferences
    Linux: use run-time detection of X11 platform

QupZilla: QupZilla 1.8.7 released!

|。・ω・) 。o (バイナリはよう!)



  1. Rufus より:

    何やら、1.8.8 が出ている様で。


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