【ネタ】今日の Windows Update


浮動小数点のいたずらですかね( ˘ω˘)?



  1. win2k user より:

    Where to copy wlupdate.vba in system32?

  2. 黒翼猫 より:

    wherever :3

  3. win2k user より:

    How do I make wlupdate.vba running in windows

  4. 黒翼猫 より:

    It is not vba but vbe.
    D&D wlu file to it.
    When you double click it, it shows so.

  5. win2k user より:

    When you double-click on it, a window opens with incomprehensible typing.

  6. 黒翼猫 より:

    Can Your PC open VBS or VBE extension file ?
    if your pc shows error, try to delete vbscript.dll and re install wsh 5.7

  7. win2k user より:

    Well the process worked, but there is no automatic update

  8. 黒翼猫 より:

    Did you double-clicked wlu file ?
    The message was showen when you d-clicked wlupdate.vbe.
    If you want to open automatically when you open directly wlu file,
    you have to relate the extension of file.

  9. win2k user より:

    no any message was shown when i did double-clicked update.vbe

  10. win2k user より:

    how to relate the file extension ?

  11. 黒翼猫 より:

    It is as same as general file relation :3
    cscript.exe (path)\wlupdate.vbe %1

  12. 黒翼猫 より:

    How about any other vbs and vbe files ?

  13. win2k user より:

    I created this .bat file
    @echo Off
    cscript.exe “C:\Documents and Settings\Win2K.WIN2000\Desktop\Les dossiers\wlupdate.vbe” %1

  14. win2k user より:

    I’m getting an alert: “done” in other vbs and vbe files

  15. 黒翼猫 より:

    wlupdate.vbe v1.3 may show “Drag & Drop WLU File” :3

  16. win2k user より:

    With wlupdate.vbe not showing me any alert

  17. win2k user より:

    There is no solution to this problem ?

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