Google Chrome を Windows2000でより使いやすくする【BM】

※ 拡張カーネルではこのツールは不要です使わないでください。

Windows 2000でChromeを使っていて不便なのが、




* 2.0.160から、kernel32.dllに小細工が必要になりました。
* 2.0.167以降のバージョンは 起動時に80%の確率でクラッシュします(3以降は安定)
* 3.0.190~197 が起動するようになりました。(要:KB915985v2)
* v0.21 で chrome 4.0 対応しました。
* v0.30 で Iron対応。
* v0.32 で Iron4Beta 対応。
* v0.32a で対応。
* v0.34 で ChromePlus対応。
* v0.35 で 4.1対応。
* v0.35b で 5/6対応
* v0.36 で 6/7対応
* v0.37 で 8/9/10対応
* v0.37a で 11対応
* v0.38 で 12対応
* v0.39 で 14対応
* v0.40 で 15対応
* v0.41 で 16対応
* v0.50 Comodo Dragon 対応
* v0.60 Firefox 13 対応
* v0.61 Chrome 30 と Canary Build対応
* v0.70 Chrome 32対応

, chrome2







*10/30 追記

Google Chrome がにアップグレードしました。

Windows2000 Installer のパッチが自動であたらなくなったので修正しました。

*11/3 追記から ADVAPI32に欠陥エクスポートがあってほんとに純粋に起動できなくなったので追加しました。(KDWのADVAPI32と同じ)

*11/23 追記


1/17 V2.0 Pre Beta 対応。
3/17 V2.0.166.1までのバージョンに対応。Chrome ローケルチェンジャー機能追加。

Q1. インストール時にadvapi2k.dllやuser2k.dllやkernel2k.dllのコピーに失敗します。
A1. \system32\dllchachに advapi32.dllやuser32.dllやkernel32.dllがあるか確認してください。無ければ、system32からコピーしてください。
Q2. Chrome 2.0 Betaが起動できません。
A2. Versionまでのバージョンをお使いください。以降も利用できなくはないですが、80%の確率で起動に失敗します。(原因不明)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.19



Download: Version 0.70
Update: 4th, Feb 2014
Size: 1.02M
Description: Chrome / Iron / Dragon /Firefox for Windows 2000 Installer and Patches.
Language: International(English/Japanese)
Require: KB915985v2

Previous Version Download:
Version 0.61
Version 0.60
Version 0.50
Version 0.41, Version 0.40, Version 0.39, Version 0.38, Version 0.37a,
Version 0.37, Version 0.36c2, Version 0.36a, Version 0.35b, Version 0.34a,
v0.33b, v0.32a, v0.31, v0.21,
v0.19a, v0.17, v0.16

*開発版ビルドには非対応です。(Unsupport Developpor Build)

Google Chrome いろいろ: dara-j
Google Chrome ベータ3を使ってみました --- AquaSunネットサービス ブログ
徹也: Google Chromeを使ってみる
「Google Chrome」最新版 | 毎度印関西
Google Chrome on Windows 2000/2k? Works with my method
Google Chrome 3.0 と SRWare Iron を Windows 2000に

Chrome v3 Beta を Windows 2000で!
Google Chrome を Windows 2000で
Google Chrome 3.0 と SRWare Iron を Windows 2000に

Chromium Buildbot



  1. カツオ より:


  2. blackwingcat より:


  3. Navjot Singh より:

    Your Installer seems to have a problem…when I select English language version, it still downloads the japanese installer…pls fix it making it to download english version if english language is selected as it will open japanese site in both language versions.

  4. blackwingcat より:

    Thx I fixed it.

  5. Navjot Singh より:

    Actually I meant…when you select Japanese language in your patch, it should take to Japanese site of chrome and when english selected, it should take to english site. Now it will take both versions to english.
    Hope you understand.

  6. blackwingcat より:

    I thought that depends on browser laungage, excepts of cause of localized.
    But actually depend both url depends on browser laungage. 🙁
    I may try to fix.

  7. カツオ より:


  8. Yasuro より:

    早速私のWindows 2000 SP4で試してみたところ、Chromeインストーラが起動するところまではうまく行くのですが:
    「インストーラに次のエラーが発生しました: 5」

  9. blackwingcat より:


  10. Yasuro より:

    早速対処くださり、どうもありがとうございます。おかげさまで、無事Windows 2000上でChromeを動かすことができました。m(_ _)m

  11. 2000chrome より:

    Thanks for your work. But a new update is available and thisgui of your’s don’t work with the new update I think, or the new update is completely uncompatible with win 2000. so I reinstalled

  12. blackwingcat より:

    We must ‘set Compatible Registry’ before update with press ‘about chrome’. ok?
    Updater fails to install without ‘set Compatible Registry’.

  13. nobo より:

    ここ2日~3日Google Chrome 起動できなくて困っていました。

  14. blackwingcat より:

    実は、KDWインストールしてたので、素で 起動できなくなってることに気づかなかったんですね。

  15. yoshikaku より:


  16. Jon より:

    Any success with the new 2.0 prebeta?

  17. blackwingcat より:

    I’ve never tried it.
    It tries doing.

  18. EP より:

    Never worked on my relative’s Win2k computers w/ Google Chrome 2.0 pre-betas, blackwingcat. even after I “set Compatible Registry” entries, Google Chrome 2.0 crashes everytime I attempted to launch it. GC 2.0 (all builds) completely incompatible with Win2k.
    But at least it worked with Google Chrome 1.0.

  19. blackwingcat より:

    Please use Google Chrome Version ~ and Chrome Installer for Windows 2000 v 1.7.
    After Google Chrome crashes 80% rate, I can’t understand this phenomenon yet.

  20. [Win2k]Windows 2000 で Google Chrome 同梱の Gears を無効にする

    黒翼猫氏の installer (黒翼猫のコンピュータ日記 2nd Edition:Google Chrome を Windows2000でより使いやすくする (2009/3/19更新版) – Windows 2000 Blog) を使わせていただき、サブ PC の Windows 2000 上で Google Chrome を使っています。至極快適です。 欠点が1つあ

  21. jason より:

    where can i get these versions of chrome ( ~
    btw thanks for your brilliant work on getting chrome to work on windows 2000, you are an internet legend!

  22. doknir より:

    Thanks for the installer. BTW, any successwith Chromium 2.0.168 or newer? I would like to use SRware Iron (based on Chromium build 10702) in Windows …

  23. kevin より:

    Thanks for your tools. Would you mind sharing your ‘Chrome Tool for Windows 2000’ with me( ).

  24. より:

    what is the latest version of chrome that is compatible with windows 2000 using your chrome tool ?
    i had chrome working fine yesterday, but today it must have auto updated and no longer works under windows 2000
    any chance of english instructions?

  25. blackwingcat より:

    GoogleGears works
    Chrome only works
    But 2.0.18x sometimes works (rate 10%) with

  26. steve より:

    i dont know what ive done, but after uninstalling and reinstalling a few times. i now have the latest stable? version of chrome running
    ( ) on win2000 no sign of any crashing so far…. thanks! 😀

  27. blackwingcat より: sometimes fail to load addressbar component.
    You had better use or 1.0.x on Win2000 😀

  28. umeji より:


  29. blackwingcat より:


  30. steve より:

    blimey, ive now got google chrome working on windows 2000 thanks to all your hard work, you sir are a genius! thank you very much!:D

  31. blackwingcat より:

    I released Installer v3.0, which support SRWare Iron.

  32. mouse より:

    I used crm2k31 to try and get SRWare Iron working.
    Iron.exe crashed so I wanted to uninstall.
    Now I can’t get Internet Explorer 6 to work. It starts but immediately shuts down again.
    I’ve tried every button in your Chrome tool.
    What could be the problem?
    Installing IE6 or SP4 again doesnt help… 🙁

  33. blackwingcat より:

    >> Iron.exe crashed
    Have you already installed Win2000-KB915985-v2 ?
    If you want uninstall you must set only Compatible Registry.

  34. [10.各種設定][Windows]続・Windows2000でGoogle Chromeを使ってみる

    Windows2000でGoogle Chromeを使ってみるの続きです。 このときはバージョン4.0.203.2をインストールしました。 今回は、ブックマークの同期やGoogle Extensionsが使える4.0.249.30のインストールに挑戦です(現在挫折中) とりあえず環境は、をインストール以前に

  35. nothize より:

    Done! thanks!

  36. nothize より:

    Hi 藥�膺取��!
    I used along with the windows fixes you mentioned to successfully run Chrome 4.0.*. This is a very very very nice thing onWin2k because Chrome is so fast and great to use. Your effort on this has allowed this great possibility to be realized. That’s one of the exciting thing in my life that I’ve been so long for using Chrome on Win2k!
    Just one problem, when the JavaScript function confirm() is being used on the page(or JavaScript console), Chrome will not return from this function. No exception, error or crash was report. I’m using an English version of Win2k.
    The same version and symptom was tried on Win2003 and no problem.
    Anything I may help to resolve this problem easier? I have a little bit debugging experience using windbg.

  37. blackwingcat より:

    Hi, nothize.
    Thx for your report.
    It also occured on v3.x.
    If I find cause of this problem, I may be able to fix it.
    But I can’t estimate it.
    I try to search bug’s origin.
    Please tell me if you find any information which related to this problem.

  38. nothize より:

    Hi, (your name I typed in Chinese was converted to other code…)perhaps it was utf-8 to jp conversion.
    I’ve traced through the source code with the help of stack trace. Ended up with the IPC worker end of the jsmessage box.
    It is thus highly possible related with the IPC mechanism of the sender side, which failed to receive the reply_msg or failed to react on it.
    Need more time to find out where is the IPC sender.
    And a sad test is that 4.0.302.2 have more problems that may crash…(perhaps crash is easier to diagnostic…:)
    5.0.306.0 is out, not sure what new things are added?

  39. blackwingcat より:

    Hi, Noithize.
    I found similar problem as same as js messagebox.
    It ocuures, google gears notification dialog.
    This problem since chrome
    and this function completely worked till version
    Do you find out from difference of the code ?
    4.0.302 and 5.0.306 work on My pc.

  40. Endrik より:

    Trying to get chrome working I am stuck with your installer v3.2 reporting
    User32.dll version[5.2195.7032]
    Warning: required User32.dll version 5.2195.7133
    I tried the ms07-017 update as suggested, but I can’t install it since this is an update for WinXp.
    Is there any way to extract the dll from it?

  41. blackwingcat より:

    Please see use32 in winnt\system32\dllcache.
    If it is old , replace new one.
    And try again.

  42. nothize より:

    Hi Blackwingcat,
    I just found that you have mentioned the port of WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId in 2008.
    But it is not found in the kernelxp.dll with chrome2k setup v0.34.
    A newer version of chrome requires this export function to work.
    Do you still have the dll wrapper that has this function?
    (For the js popup issue, I haven’t dig further)

  43. blackwingcat より:

    v0.35 supported for Chrome v4.1 Installer

  44. nothize より:

    Wow cool I just tried!!
    Although I don’t know why the “Install selectedwrapper” has many failed and those user32.dll, kernel32.dll, ws2_32.dll, etc are not copied tothe chrome application folder.
    However, manually copying them would just work fine!!!
    Though the JS prompt issue is still unresolved,the new version has some more settings to play with.
    Thank you very much blackwingcat!

  45. [10.各種設定][Windows][chrome]Windows2000でGoogleChrome 7を使ってみる

    昨年、Windows2000でGoogle Chromeを使ってみるという記事を書きましたが、1年経ったので、現在の最新版をいれてみます。 これも、Chrome/Iron Tool for Windows 2000を公開し、アップデートしてくださっている黒翼猫さんのお陰です。ありがとうございます。 今回は、Google

  46. David より:

    Dear Blackwingcat,
    I am thoroughly impressed by your project!
    Maybe you can help me with my problems getting this to work?
    I have downloaded your crm2k36c zip-file and the Win2000-KB915985-v2-ALL zip-file. My system is a w2k SP4, with the SPR1 installed, too.
    To install the KB915985-v2 fix, I switched to the ENU/update directory and executed update.exe. It seems to have worked, because system32/ntdll.dll now is version 5.0.2195.7081.
    Then I started your chrome2k exe-file. When I try downloading through your tool, however, IE6 has a crash (always) — probably a problem of my w2k installation? Anyway, I set the firefox user agent manually, and downloaded the latest ChromeSetup.exe version (568,648 bytes). When I start that, however, I still get the message: The procedure entry point RtlCaptureContext could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32 dll.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Many thanks for your help in advance!
    Best wishes from Vienna/Austria,

  47. blackwingcat より:

    Hi, David.
    Try to download KDW, and execute Kdllinst.exe.
    * Check Ez KD Reg.
    * Reboot your PC.
    * Try to install chrome again.
    If it still would not work.
    Try to use chromium – mini_installer.exe.

  48. David より:

    Dear Blackwingcat,
    Many thanks for your fast and helpful reply!
    I downloaded KDW version 0.82b, but I must be doing something wrong. When I start kdllinst, it says “Warning: ATL.DLL is ansi version”. When I check EZ KD Reg. and click “Start Setup”, it says “— Check Start —“. I then tried selecting all the DLL buttons (kernel32…crypt32) and clicking Start Setup again. It displays a number of files it wants to copy and I am then asked to reboot. When the PC comes back up, however, and I look at, say, system32/KERNEL32.DLL, it still has the same version number 5.0.2195.7135. Is that a sign that the installation failed? I tried this twice, no change.
    Running google chrome setup gives the same error “RtlCaptureContext could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32 dll”.
    I have the same problem with the current chromium mini_installer.exe.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Many thanks again for your kind help,

  49. blackwingcat より:

    Hi David.
    What version do you use Google Chrome Installer for Windows 2000 ?
    If you tried to install chrome 6~ then must use version 0.36b.

  50. David より:

    Hmm, I have downloaded the ChromeSetup.exe file on 2010-10-30, so that should be fairly recent, just two weeks ago. The setup file version is
    Then I have kdw083c and crm2k36c. Perhaps I am not using them right?
    When I run kdw083c as I had described above and then reboot, how can I check if it worked?
    When I run crm2k36c, after I click on Set compatible registry, what do I do? I cannot use Access Google Chrome Web site as my ie6 always crashes. But I downloaded the ChromeSetup.exe (setting the user agent manually ).
    So what do I do next? The Execute Setup and Execute Chrome buttons of chrome2k are grayed out… The kdllinst shows kernel32 Inst[5.2195.7135->5.1.2599.60] etc
    and ahell32 *Inst[5.3900.7155->5.1.2599.19] etc, which make me suspect that the installation did not work (despite reboot).
    What else can I try?
    Many thanks,
    PS: I seem to get a little further now with chromium: The installer runs for a while and then gives the same error. It leave behind an installation in C:\Documents and Settings\myUserID\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\Application
    When I then manually copy the wrapper DLLs from kdw083c there and copy the original *32.dlls as *2k.dlls there (particularly gdi32.dll and rpcrt4.dll) then I get a little further: When I start chrome.exe I get two warnings that Windows XP is required, then I get CancelIPChangeNotify not found in IPHLPAPI.DLL. It then still sort of starts but some things don’t work (for example I cannot change+store search preferences in google, drop down selection menus don’t scroll, …).

  51. David より:

    PS: If I also copy the files in the bin/plus directory of kdw then the dll error disappears. chrome now starts fine except the two Windows XP warnings. The drop down selection menus not scrolling and saving Google Search preferences not working remain a problem though.
    Many thanks again for all your help!
    Kindest regards,

  52. blackwingcat より:

    Hi, David
    Chrome Installer’s Wrapper are different from KDW’s DLL.
    Perhaps you did KDW’s system install.
    But it doesn’t need.
    At first you only set KDW’s Ez KD Reg setting, and reboot your PC.
    You can vanish warning message with “Disable caution DlgBox”.
    After install selectedb wrapper (user32.dll), “drop down selection menus scroll” appears.

  53. David より:

    Ah, I didn’t know.
    Ok, so do I copy the chrome2k DLLs into the application folder manually? Do I rename the …XP.dll to …32.dll?
    Or how can I get the grey chrome2k buttons to become active?
    Many thanks again for all your support!
    Kindest regards,

  54. David より:

    Ok, I still cannot get the buttons of chrome2k active (other than the setup compatible registry and set user agent).
    So I copied the chrome2k dlls into the folder with the chromium chrome.exe and renamed the …xp to …32. I also copied the original …32.dlls from the systems folder there, renamed as …2k.
    With this, although I still get the warning dialog, chrome.exe starts. There are some issues though: Web sites that load a page after a pop-up don’t work, for example, the “search settings” page of google, or when gmail asks “navigate away from this page”, that does not work. I still don’t get a scroll-bar for drop-down menus although I thought it worked for a while.
    Anything I should try instead of what I have done?
    Many thanks again,

  55. blackwingcat より:

    Hi, David.
    chrome installer for Windows 2000 copy automatically copy wrapper DLLs and change registry.
    If you did it manually, perhaps not enough chrome setting.

  56. nothize より:

    Great job blackwingcat !!!
    I’ve ended up unable to access github so I try to look for your site if there is any update for the latest Chrome.
    And the result is yes!!!
    And the Javascript popup box problem is gone! Wowwowowowowowo!
    Thanks blackwingcat!

  57. nothize より:

    oh……..false positive of the previous comment about the javascript popup…..problem is gone…partially not affecting but most likely will have side effect…(eg. for-ever loading the page after popping js alert box)

  58. blackwingcat より:

    Google Chrome 12 And SRWARE Iron Removed Google Gears.
    The Gears may give windows 2000 bad effection.

  59. momiji より:

    CHROME2K.exe にウイルス Win32/Cryptor が特定された

  60. blackwingcat より:
    Win32/Cryptor は データの符号化などを行うソフトのヒューリスティック
    CHROME2K.exe は バイナリデータを スキャンして、Win2000の警告
    不安なら、 で横断検索してみてください。
    Submission date:
    2011-08-10 23:44:13 (UTC)
    Current status:
    queued queued analysing finished
    1/ 43 (2.3%)

  61. nothize より:

    So great!! I can use Chrome v15 on Windows 2k !!

  62. Someone より:

    Thank you very much! At first I couldn’t read kindle books at all. But after installed kernel32 v5 and this, I could use chrome and kindle cloud reader! Thank you for your great efforts!

  63. Ende より:


  64. blackwingcat より:

    初心者用にインストールする場合は Iron や Google Plus を

  65. an65001 より:

    Hello blackwingcat. I am trying to execute setup in download folder but it does not work. can you help

  66. blackwingcat より:

    Target setup with this installer is Mini_installer.exe and so on.
    If your setup.exe doen’t work, please try 7-zip package, or SRWare Iron Package.

  67. 32 より:

    Chrome/iron Tool for Windows 2000 v0.41

  68. blackwingcat より:

    Chrome と Novo のスタンダードインストーラーでは正常に
    インストールできなくなってるので、ZIP版か Iron を

  69. 32 より:


  70. 32 より:


  71. blackwingcat より:


  72. an65001 より:

    Hello. I am trying to install Firefox on Win2k with your installer and it installed but it complains about a procedure entry in msvcrt.dll
    Please help.

  73. blackwingcat より:

    > Hello. I am trying to install Firefox on Win2k with your installer and it installed but it complains about a procedure entry in msvcrt.dll
    Plz try to use Windows Media Player 10 for Windows 2000 Installer.
    When first reboot, it replaces newer msvcrt.dll.

  74. An65001 より:

    I actually got it to work.
    But now there is an updated version of Chrome, and now the installer for Chrome which used to work just 2 days ago doesn’t work. It gives error 128.

  75. w.kenichi より:

    こんにちは 2013.1.17現在グーぐルクロームの 最新版ダウンロードインストは出来るんですが 起動がしません どうしたら 良いか 分かりませ 教えていただけ ないでしょうか

  76. 黒翼猫 より:

    か、Dragon Browser か SRWare Iron をお使いください

  77. Thomas より:

    Is there still any possibility to download and Win2000-KB915985-v2? The links above seem not to work anymore.

  78. 黒翼猫 より:

    Does Your security application block referer ?
    It available to download still.

  79. Thomas より:

    My fault. I was logged in as administrator and, after some hours of working, I just believed myself to be operating as a standard user. I totally forgot the kind of settings of my internet browsers and – additionally – was surprised at dead links on this site.
    Well, in fact, changing the security level solved the problem. 😉
    Sorry for sounding alarm unnecessarily.

  80. unset より:


  81. 秋山 健三 より:

    現在 crm2k70.cabを使用していますが、バージョンが35とアップしています。試しに35で適用したら、ホームページは一旦開き、操作出来ますが、途中で応答無しになります。勝手なお願いですが、FlashPlayerの様に GoogleChromeも、バージョンがアップされる毎に「crm2K」もバージョンアップして貰えれば、大変有難いのですが!!!

  82. ちゅーりっぷ より:

    (Win2000で) Google Chrome 終了のお知らせ?
    >Chrome自体がAppleのWebKitのソースを引き継いでるせいで、フレームワークがいくつも入れ子になっていて、処理を追いにくくなってるので、ちょっと解析する気にはなれないんですよね ・ω・;

  83. 色葉 より:

     070 ダウンロード後 
    DELL C521 3200+(AMDシングルコア メモリ2G)
    2000を新規インストール SP4統合
    拡張カーネル KB935839-v26b2
    拡張コア KB979683-v16a

  84. 黒翼猫 より:

    Chrome 系ブラウザは 33以降まともに動かなくなってしまいました。

  85. 色葉 より:


  86. 黒翼猫 より:

    ネットに転がってるPortable バージョンをダウンロードすれば動かすことはできると思います

  87. Old Windows User より:

    Advanced Chrome 54.20.6530.0

    >supportedOS Id=”{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}”>
    Resorce Hacker
    If Windows 2000 (and NT 5.0 and NT 4.0 SP6a with Windows Installer 2.0)will be supported,thanks to this application very much.

  88. イット社長 より:


    • blackwingcat より:

      Google Chrome 49までのより上位のバージョンが拡張カーネル配下ではほとんどそのまま起動できるようになりました ・ω・

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