Otter Browser Beta 11 リリース。Opera懐かしの MDIサポートモード正式実装?

Beta 11 release (01-10-2016)
Otter Browser

Beta 11 release (01-10-2016)

Eleventh beta has been released!

Most important changes since beta 10:

    added initial support for storing passwords:
        support for multiple credential sets per host;
        basic passwords management;
        disabled by default (no encryption yet);
    added support for muting tab media;
    F12 menu now exposes all modes for Images visibility (including new option to show cached images only) and Plugins;
    QtWebEngine backend is now capable of saving pages in MIME HTML format and as complete set of files;
    added new toolbar visibility settings for full screen mode;
    added new widget for showing content blocking details;
    added ability to customize progress bar;
    added ability to add loading progress information widgets to any toolbar;
    various improvements in handling of content blocking profiles:
        added new definitions and updated existing;
        added option to add custom blocking rules;
        profiles are now grouped by type;
    various minor fixes and improvements.


    main packages are now based on revived QtWebKit (TP 4).

Known issues:

    content blocking settings are not backwards compatible;
    WebGL support is missing in packages based on revived QtWebKit;
    new browsing history backend does not store favicons yet;
    spell checking is not available in Windows builds yet.

As usually I would like to thank all contributors (as usually especially bajasoft and Chocimier), bug reporters, translators and all users.

Also I would like to thank annulen and vitallium for their work on reviving QtWebKit. 🙂

今月 Otter Browser Beta 11がリリースされました。
今まで、既定で無効になっていた MDI サポートが有効になったようです


MDIでブラウジングができます ・ω・




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  2.   より:



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