Windows 2000 Gaming から代理転載のお願いが来ました
Windows 2000 Gaming サイト遮断に伴って、最新版のバイナリファイルの転載依頼が来ました。
(He asked me to upload the latest OldCigarette Wrapper pack v1.10 on my blog.)
Windows 2000 Gaming サイトはどこへ行った?
OldCigarettes Windows 2000 XP API Wrapper Pack (OCW)
Postby OldCigarette on Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:26 pm
This is a collection of my various API fixes for compatibility with XP games. Unlike most other API fixes these are not EXE hacks! These are DLL wrappers which means only the portions of code that are XP specific are changed, your windows 2000 code is left intact! These strive for a high level of compatibility so that they can be used for ANY game. Also my kernel32 wrapper has additional features such as GetVersion faking and other options that may be useful. Below is the latest readme, if your game is missing one of the API calls listed it is likely this pack will fix it!
Wrapper Pack v1_10
Post by OldCigarette ≫ Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:05 am. Update: 27.02.2011.
Version 1.10 changes
just some small fixes above user32 (thanks BWC ) Interlocked SList bug fixes
ShellItem::GetParent memory bug fix
added SetThreadUILanguage hack
RtlCaptureStackBackTrace stub.
OldCigarette ≫ Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:52 am. Update: 09.12.2009.
Version 1.9 changes
kernel32 AddRefActCtx,ZombifyActCtx,QueryActCtxW stubs
GetDiskFreeSpaceA,GetDiskFreeSpaceW hooked to fix
ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT for xblades see here and here.
user32 GetRegisteredRawInputDevices - new for Xblades see here and here.
IsWinEventHookInstalled fixed stupid bug in RegisterClassEx advapi32
InitiateSystemShutdown routines hooked to behave more like xp
shell32 IsUserAnAdmin exposed for Fuel see here
wtsapi32 WTSQueryUserToken.
Post by OldCigarette ≫ Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:28 pm.
Version 1.8 changes
Hooked CreateWindowEx to ignore WS_EX_COMPOSITED, XP only flag. Hooked RegisterClass(Ex) to ignore CS_DROPSHADOW, XP only flag EncodePointer/DecodePointer does some encoding now
Hooked LoadLibrary(Ex) to ignore directory when specifing wrapped dll names (was causing big issues with kernel32)
IsProcessorFeaturePresent properly detects sse2
VersionVerifyInfo/GetVersionEx fixed wSuiteMask and wProductType which I forgot to add.
Fixed problem in advapi32 where SystemFunction036 wouldn't work
Redid how wrappers link to org DLLs.
Tages copy protection and some other software could not properly handle it.
Fixed GetModuleHandleEx when modifing reference count uxtheme
GetCurrentThemeName (stub)
IsAppThemed (stub)
There was a lot of under the hood changes in this release.
If you run into any problems please post about them.
Postby OldCigarette on Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:15 pm
Version 1.7 changes
new functions
kernel32.IsProcessorFeaturePresent (always say SSE2 ok)
kernel32.ActivateActCtx (stub)
kernel32.DeactivateActCtx (stub)
kernel32.ReleaseActCtx (stub)
kernel32.GetCurrentActCtx (stub)
kernel32.CreateActCtxW (stub)
kernel32.IsProcessInJob (partial)
uxtheme.OpenThemeData (stub)
uxtheme.CloseThemeData (stub)
uxtheme.DrawThemeBackground (stub)
VerifyVersionInfo - complete implementation for faking
verifyVersion ini option bug where it would randomly work
Changed wrsapi32 targer from _OLD to _ORG to match the other wrappers.
Placed the project under the LGPL license.